Going strong since the 19th Century!
Murthly's original sawmill was built in the 19th Century and was water-powered by a series of articifially-created lochs: Robin's Dam, Rohallion Loch and Stare Dam, which flows out into the Mill Dam. This loch system provided power controlled by sluices for the original sawmill at Byres of Murthly, built three storeys high in the shape of a meal mill. The ground floor housed the waterwheel machinery, the first floor the sawing operation and the top floor a workshop.
The present mill was established in the mid-1970s (pictured above) and is owned and operated by Murthly Estate, with timber sourced mostly from the local area. A completely new production line was installed in 2023.
We have expanded our range of domestic timber applications (e.g. garden fencing, decking etc.) to complement existing agricultural wood products. We also sell fire wood.
Photovoltaic panels installed in 2022 power the sawmill almost entirely during the late spring and summer months, and saved over 60 tonnes of carbon emissions during 2023.